Friday, August 28, 2009

I've given up!

So I keep meaning to get on here and upload old photos and such from this past month that I've been absent. But I just can't find the time or the energy to do it. I've decided to just start fresh. I will slowly add in some of the old pics when I get time but I think it will be easiest for me to just move forward with new posts. I still want to keep this thing up and going for everyone so I'm going to make more of an effort. I promise! :o)

I'm not sure what I've covered in my last few posts and what I've left out but Kenneth is in school now. He loves loves his Pre K school! He goes every day Monday thru Friday all day. I really thought it would be a difficult adjustment for him but it's not. He just goes with the flow and enjoys whatever the day brings it seems.
He also started soccer practices last week too. He wanted to do it again so we signed him up. I hope the season goes well for him. He really seems to like soccer.

Adrianna is in full swing of school. She has been in nearly a month now and she is doing great. I'm amazed at how big she is getting and all the things she is doing in school. She had the first dance of the year yesterday after school. She got asked by some little boy and oh my goodness was she excited. She got all dolled up in her sparkly dress and high heels (compliments of her nana) and went and had a blast it seemed. She came home with blisters on her feet but a smile on her face!
And big news with her. She is starting the strings orchestra this year. Chris rented her a Viola yesterday and she will have classes every week. She is looking so forward to it. Pictures to come of that when I get them.

Lilly is the same old Lilly. Such a little diva, princess, sweetheart Monster. I love her fiesty little self to pieces. She starts school in just over a week. Yay! She and I have been getting so spend so much time together since Kenneth and Adrianna are in school and I just love it. I wouldn't trade our time alone for anything. She is an amazing little person and I can't believe how big she is.

Chris has been in a school for the past few months which has kept him super busy with lots of studying and lots of tests. But now thats over for now. He flies to Washington DC next week for some interviews and stuff. I'm nervous for him, because he is pretty nervous about it. I'm sure he will do just fine.

And me...well I'm just here, flying by the seat of my pants trying to hold on and enjoy the ride that is parenthood and being a Military spouse. There are a million and one things that need to be done everyday and I'm lucky if I get 1/4 of them done. There is always tomorrow to catch up on the housework and errands. There is only today to enjoy my babies the way that they are today! Tomorrow they will be different in some way.

Kenneth's first day of big boy school!

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm here!

I'm sure my loyal readers, all 3 of them haha, thought that I fell off the face of the planet. Well here I am still on the Earth!
Life has been moving in fast forward the past couple of weeks. I've had lots and lots of appointments. Some for me, and some for my little Lilly. School is back in session now, so we've had lots of preparing for that. Craziness is what that is. I hate all the back to school crowds and rush. Yuck!
Lilly met with a dietitian about her eating and an occupational therapist. Both of those things were huge gigantic wastes of time. She is little. That's all there is to it with Lilly. She will eat when she is good and ready and not a moment sooner. She's stubborn like her daddy!
We've been enjoying spending lots of time with Chris. Before I know it he will be gone again so I'm soaking up all this time.
We've got an anniversary coming up, and a boat camping trip. Fun stuff!
Today was Kenneth's first day of school. He is officially in preK. I'm amazed at how time has just flown by. My baby boy was just born it seems and now he is in school! Oh my!
He loved his school. I was really worried since it was a full day school and 5 days a week, but after today I think it will be okay. He came home so excited about school and his friends. He couldn't really tell me what they did other than play outside and eat fish sticks, but whatever. He loved it.
So now that things might possibly be calming down I will try to post more often and get caught up too.

I still have photos from my trip to TN to post, but its not happening today.