Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wow have we been busy! Lilly is finally getting better. She has been sick for about 13 days now. I am so happy that finally she is starting to sleep better at night and the yucky diapers are just about back to, a little less oh shoot me now, normal. She is also, thank god, eating again.
Halloween activities have been in full swing all week around here. And to top off this crazy busy Halloween week is trick or treating tonight. Yay for more sugar in my little ones!

Kenneth had a Halloween party at school on Thursday. He got to dress up in his costume, play games, sing songs and go trick or treating through the school. Then to end the day the had a party with yummy sweets and goody bags. Oh, what fun! He had a blast, and Lilly got to join in too.
Kenneth with all his classmates.

Lilly loved looking at Clara the mouse.

On Wednesday night we had a trunk or treat at the church where Kenneth's school is. The kids all dressed up in one or their several costumes and off we went for a night of fun. There were bounce houses, hot dogs, cotton candy, and lots MORE candy.
Pumpkins got carved. That was alot of fun as always. I just feel bad that Lilly wasn't really able to participate, because she still wasn't feeling well. Last year she was too young to do it, and this year she is sick. Figures huh?

And the finished products...
I think they turned out quite well.

Last weekend we went to an airshow in Jacksonville. The kids weren't really into it, I wish they had been. It was too loud, and too crowded for their liking. We didn't even get to stay for the Blue Angels. :(

I think I see a future career for Lilly. She didn't want to leave this plane we got to tour.

These were the ones that really scared Kenneth and Lilly.
Caramel apples happened this week too. The kids really enjoyed decorating them. They really didn't eat them, but they had fun making them.

Lilly loves to dance!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sickly baby

Lilly has been pretty sick for over a week now. I have been to and from the doctor and ER a few times trying to get something figured out. They drew blood and took samples from all over her poor little body. I will save you all the disgusting details, but Lilly was definitely having some issues. Well finally the doctors came through for us and we found out what was going on...she had Salmonella poisoning! I am told it will clear on it's own about 14 days from onset of symptoms. We are at about 8 days, so hopefully soon, we will begin to get back to normal.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oh the things they say

My darling little boy is so sweet sometimes and others he is definitely not so sweet. I don't know how many times in a day I have to tell him to not throw things. I know it has to be at least 10. He never seems to listen. Well I know he hears me when I say it though.
Today as I was sweeping the kitchen floor I was tossing all of the toys into the living room. He came in just as a little whistle flew into the room. In his sweetest, I'm the boss, voice he says,
"Mommy, we don't throw things in the house. You should go to time out."
so I say, "oh, really?"
he says, while shaking his head, " uh huh, you have three minutes."

I could have just died. I love my little man so much. He drives me to insanity and back most days, but he sure does make me laugh. I just thought I would share. I hope everyone else's day is going as well as mine is today.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


What a week or so we have had! Nonstop!

My birthday was last week friday. I am now the ripe old age of 24. Ancient huh? Not really I know. Lilly really like my birthday cake.

Chris's dad came into town on Thursday the 9th. We had a wonderful visit with him and the kids loved having grandpa around for the week. They really didn't want him to go home. Kenneth is already asking when he is coming back to visit.
Grandpa took the kids and me to the zoo.

While he was here we took a trip to Sea World! I loved it there. The kids had so much fun and really seemed to enjoy themselves with all of the animals. Lilly loved the Shamu show, and Kenneth says his favorite part was the sharks. The shark exhibit was really neat. We got to ride on one of those moving side walks through a tunnel with water all around, and it was filled with different kinds of sharks. It was really cool. I think Adrianna's favorite thing was feeding the sharks. Kenneth rode his first roller coaster while we were there. We had such a good time and I can't wait to go back again.

After we got back Grandpa got the kids a playground for our backyard. Wow, what an adventure that was! The stupid sand gnats just about ate off their arms and legs. Those are some vicious little bugs. It rained off and on pretty much the whole time they were trying to work on it too. Grandpa left on Monday and the playset wasn't quite together so Chris and a buddy finished it up on Tuesday in the rain and with the bugs again. The last finishing touches were put on it yesterday and it is officially done! The kids love it and have been on it alot.
On Wednesday the 15th my super good friend Misty welcomed her newest little boy Spencer into the world. CONGRATS MISTY AND JEREMY!
Yesterday was one of Chris's really good friend's birthday. Elicia, one of the bestests offered to keep the kids until late so we could take him out for his birthday. It was looking to be a really good night....until Chris got sick right after we got to the restaurant for dinner. What a bummer. We had an evening and we weren't able to use it. I hope whatever he has will be gone soon.
And to top off this evening Adrianna has been having bad dreams. She has been waking up EVERY night complaining of bad dreams. I don't know what to do anymore. It has gotten to the point where I don't think she is sleeping at all. I know she came into my room between 12 and 12:30 5 times. Then at 3 she went into her brother's room and got into his bed and turns on his TV. Its getting really bad. I have to figure out what to do.
I know this update has been a long time coming. Enjoy and let me know who's still there!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

An actual update is coming, I promise! I have lots to share about my birthday, Chris's dad's visit, playgrounds, Sea World and Baby Spencer. But I don't really have that much time right now. Right now I just had to say (or more like shout to the entire internet world)
I paid $2.55 a gallon for gas!!
Okay, off to laundry, kids, and cleaning! I'll be back soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My personality

I had to copy Misty and Ronee on this one. I am actually quite surprised at how close to me this actually is. This is me! (especially the dislike of conflict)
Your personality type:
Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Do not like conflict and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.

Careers that could fit you includes:
Artists, musicians, composers, designers, child care workers, social workers, counselors, teachers, veterinarians, forest rangers, naturalists, bookkeepers, carpenters, personal service workers, clerical supervisors, secretaries, dental and medical staffers, waiters and waitresses, chefs, nurses, mechanics, physical therapists, x-ray technicians.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008 they do on the Discovery channel...

So Kenneth needed some frogs for his school today. I, being the helpful involved parent that I am, volunteered to help bring some in. After much fussing, cussing, and looking I managed to find 2 Southern Toads, just the normal bumpy toad you see everywhere. I put them in a jar that I am sure isn't quite big enough, but hey that's all I had. Now these frogs are having their fun after being put into such close quarters. :) My poor Kenneth was so worried about them because "the other one won't get off of it". He kept coming to tell me that one of the frogs was climbing on top of the other one. I just figured that it was an accidental thing while they were trying to find a way out. But oh no, these frogs want to give my little boy a life lesson. Not today little toads...not for awhile. The frogs are now doing their thing put away on a high counter so little eyes can't see.

Its strange to post it, but here they are:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I love hanging out by the fire pit with really good friends. What could be better than good friends, good food, and crazy children? Not a whole heck of a lot in my opinion. We had some friends over for dinner and s'mores for dessert, made fresh over our fire out back. Misty will be having her baby boy soon, so we need to do this as much as we can. I think she might have her hands full soon.

We have had a wonderfully busy day today. I hope tomorrow is just as wonderful, but now I'm beat and going to bed.

Today was the St. Mary's Rock Shrimp Festival. I know, the what?! It was just an excuse to put on a parade and set up lots of booths to sell things. There was a jump thing where the kids get strapped into a harness and hoisted into the air on bungees. It sounds insanely unsafe right now, but Kenneth HAD to do it. He loved it. Adrianna was going to but she chickened out. Please pardon my video skills. I, for some reason, thought it smart to turn the camera part way through the video. I'm not the smartest, I know.

Here are some random pictures from the festival. Kenneth and Adrianna tried to do the climbing wall but weren't able to make it. They gave it a good try though. :)