Monday, April 27, 2009


This is Lilly at 4 months old.

I have set a goal for myself to try and get all of the pictures from my computer printed out and put into albums so I have been looking back at alot of old pictures of the kids. Lilly just floors me with how different she is. Look at how much she has changed in such a short amount of time. I just can't believe it!

This is Lilly at 22 months!

I've heard it before...

I have heard how kids will eat you out of house and home, but I really thought I had a while til that was true for us. But I think Kenneth may just eat the whole house down. He has been snacking all day long. He had 2 bowls of oatmeal and 2 strawberry muffins for breakfast. Then he started snacking on graham crackers, carrots, cheeses, and a couple of chocolates. By then it was lunch time. For lunch her had 2 PB&J sandwiches, chips, more carrots and the chicken that Lilly didn't eat for lunch. Since then he has had more graham crackers 2 string cheeses, and an apple! Oh my goodness where is he putting it all?! He must be growing because he never eats like this. I guess he is making up for all those days when I couldn't get him to eat anything.

Friday, April 24, 2009

OH MY GOODNESS Kenneth has a flesh eating rash or his arm is going to fall off or wait Oh my gosh I don't know. Oh wait he is just a goof ball and thinks he's so cool that he can put dots ALL over! Kenneth is doing better now. The Prednisone is out of his system and he is back to his only somewhat crazy, jumping off the couches, oh is that him swinging from the ceiling fan, self. He had is 4 year old well baby check up. But its now it is technically his well child appointment but I can't call it that because then I'm like old or something and I can't handle that but anyway. He is 41 1/2 inches tall and weighs in at a whopping 35.8 pounds! Wow where has the time gone. On a side note little Lilly truely is that, little. We weighed her out of curiousity and my little peanut is just over 22 pounds. Aww.. so tiny!

More to come soon...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I just need to let everyone know how much I hate the medicine Prednisone. It's an oral steroid and Kenneth is taking it. He broke out into hives starting Saturday morning. We can't for the life of us figure out what is making my baby break out into hives so badly. I took him to an urgent care facility on Sunday to see what the dr. thought. The prescribed him the steroid to hopefully help take care of it. One of the little side effects is that it could cause restlessness and hyperactivity. OH MY GOODNESS! I was not quite prepared for the wrath that is Kenneth. He is not the same person the last couple of days. He is INSANE. Even more so than usual, which really is saying something. I don't know what I am going to do with him for 3 more days worth of this medication. We might just barricade ourselves inside the house until he is normal again. I have never seen a child act like he has been. Running, yelling, jumping, being defiant, and just plain mean. He gets up at 7AM and doesn't finally crash until almost 9pm and he is going full speed the whole time! Oye, everyone keep me in your thoughts. Better yet keep him in your thoughts. Hopefully I won't kill him!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The picture man

Kenneth is my little photographer. I really need to get him his own camera to use because he really does love taking pictures. He is always begging me to use my camera and most times I let him, but I'm really afraid he will drop it and break it. He just loves doing it so much that I really feel like it is something I should let him do and not discourage him. Sometimes he gets some pretty funny things. It is funny to see what he thinks is important enough to take a picture of. I have learned that I better watch out or I might become one of his subjects. haha Check out his most recent photos.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!
Today is Easter. Chris has work, of course. :) And we have been invited over to my bestest friend's house for Easter lunch/dinner and an egg hunt! Thanks Misty this is 2 years in a row you have saved me from another lonely Easter.

Adrianna's spring break is this week. I am going to be trying to stay super busy so I don't go a bit crazy, as if I wasn't already. Stay tuned for tales of super fun adventures, hopefully!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My laptop took a poo a couple of weeks ago and it has been a nonstop battle with the computer place and with USAA who we have our computer insurance through to get it taken care of. Hopefully by weeks end we will have come to a resolution, whether it be fixing the laptop, or replacing it. We have a desktop still, but it just doesnt cut it for blogging. It just takes too dang long to upload pictures. So I will try to keep up with some posting but probably won't be too many pictures for a bit. It took about an hour to upload these so you better enjoy them! haha

Gosh, he's handsome!

Easter party at Kenneth's school. Kenneth's teacher even made a pair of bunny ears for Lilly. How sweet.

We had a get together with our wardroom last weekend. We had a BBQ, easer egg hunt, and a baseball game. We had alot of fun.

Lilly's version of wearing a helmet. haha She got it from her daddy. :o)
Kenneth had his first ever field trip with school. We went to the zoo. I think he had a pretty good time other than a couple accidents with his shaved ice. He is getting so big.

So pretty!