Thursday, September 17, 2009

We had a nice relaxing weekend this past weekend. Adrianna had a sleepover with a friend and Kenneth was bored. So to give him something to do he and Chris made a birdhouse. Random right? Kenneth had a lot of fun doing it and Chris seemed to also. Oh boys and their projects. Fun fun!

Lilly started school last week. I just now got around to getting the pictures uploaded because I'm lame but here they are. Better late than never right?! Lilly loves her school, and even on the first day she had no problem with us leaving her there. She is growing up so fast!

Kenneth's soccer season is in full swing already. He has been having practice 2 days a week and games are usually 2 days a week also. He is getting a lot better with every practice or game, and he seems to LOVE it! Chris has been working with him and giving him some pointers with being the goalie, that is Kenneth's favorite place to be. He seems to be receptive and knows what you are telling him to do.
So after talks and words or encouragement Chris steps off the field for Kenneth to show us his stuff. He's really into it. He's not letting anything into that goal!

But then at game time, this is how Kenneth spends a lot of his time. The shirt that the goalie wears over their uniform is just too much fun! He wraps his head in it, he takes it off and wears it around his waist, and he even managed to get his arms tangled in it, while a ball was coming at him! Oh my silly little boy! I love him so, but he is crazy!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our Labor Day

Our Labor Day weekend was pure bliss! We got to spend an entire 4 days with Chris and just do family stuff. It was an amazing weekend. We went and walked around Downtown Fernandina, a super cute area with lots of shops and yummy treat shops. We played at the park, and went to the beach too! We BBQ'd some yummy ribs and Chris had a friend from the boat over. I was sad when the weekend ended. It was filled with so much fun. Hopefully we will get a couple more weekends like that before he leaves us again.

We love the beach.

There was an awesome sweet shop in town called Fernandina's Fantastic Fudge, and let me tell you it was fantastic. And so was the ice cream. :o)

The kids said he looked like the pirate from Spongebob. Oh yeah, and we had dirt for dessert! Yummy!

Oh, and Adrianna got her Viola. That's been alot of fun too. Haha. Noisy fun!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The new look

I was ready for a new look. What do you think? Can you tell I'm ready for fall? I'm over this summer heat. Bring on the cooler temps!

It's's pouring...soon I'm going to be snoring!
It has been raining almost nonstop for about 48 hours. It hasn't been just a light drizzle either. It's been full out, sky opened up, down pours. My yard is flooded, the roads are all flooded, and I'm lucky we haven't floated away. I get really nervous when it rains this much, but the kids love it. The think its the coolest thing ever when you drive down our street and water is spraying up on both sides of the car and it feels like we might just float away at any second. Me...not so much.
In other news Chris is in Washington DC right now. He has been in a school for awhile now and he had to go to DC to do a final interview. Well he did it, and he passed his exams and the interview! This is a really big deal, and I'm so proud of him. I knew he could do it. We go and get him tomorrow from the airport and maybe we'll get sushi while we are down that way to celebrate. Mmmm....sushi!

Check out this handsome little devil!

At Kenneth's school they had someone come in and take "pony pictures". I'm not sure why they chose a pony for the kids to sit on. Wouldn't it have been just as cute to have them just sitting in a chair? I mean come on! Look at that face! He would be cute no matter what he was sitting on. Haha I guess I'm letting my mommy bias take over but I think he is the most handsome little boy ever to ride a pony! :o)