Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Chris has been gone one week so far. One down and only like a million more to go. I really try to keep busy while he's away. It helps us pass the time if we have lots to do. So far we've had soccer, lunches out with friends, lots of park playing, picnics in the park, pumpkin painting, and lots of crafts! I'm having fun, and so are the kids. So here are a few pics of our adventures so far.

These next 5 are from our picnic we took to the park on Sunday. The weather was perfect and we spent a lot of time outside.

We were trying to do a craft I saw in a magazine with glue and yard to make a bowl of sorts. It didn't work out too well. But it was fun getting all gluey. (is that even a word?)

I love this one of Kenneth. We were in Walmart and he was riding on the side of the cart pretending he was skateboarding. He's wearing his safety glasses he got from Lowe's to use when we do their building workshops. Walmart is dangerous I guess. You need to protect your eyes! He's so cute!

Kenneth had his school's fall festival last week. The booth that I volunteered to work had the kids eating cupcakes with no hands involved. The picture proves it, Kenneth was a pro!


Misty said...

Love the pictures! However, I REALLY love your music selection for your blog. The boys and I are listening right now during bfast! You have my favorites on their!

Misty said...

oooh I hate grammatical errors, I meant there not their =)

Misty said...

And...yes, I do follow your granny's advice ;)