Tuesday, December 16, 2008

***UPDATE: Lilly slept all night in her big girl bed. When she woke up the next morning she came to wake me up by knocking on my door. Sweet sweet girl. She slept in her bed for the next couple of nights after that, but we have since moved over to her crib for naps, since I can't get her to fall asleep during the day in her bed. I guess she stays in at night because she is just really tired. I'm going to keep at it to see how it goes. I'm not in any hurry though honestly. ***

Oh my goodness, I am so excited for my little Lilly. I put her in her big girl bed tonight and for the first time EVER she stayed in it and fell asleep. She is getting so big so fast. This is exciting now, will it quite this exciting when she wakes up at like 2 and doesnt want to go back to sleep? I'm not sure how she will do in the middle of the night if she wakes up. I'm a little nervous about that part. We'll see how it goes.


ronee said...

do you have a monitor...? have her call you from it when she gets up..it's what the girls have to do when they get up before the sun!
hope it works..

The Miller Family said...

So how did she do?

Vaiva said...

yay for little Lilly!! I'm glad to hear she's transitionng well so far. I so wish I was there to see little Miss Cuteness.

mom aka granny said...

I just loved the program he is such a big boy now and lilly she just so darn pretty and my sweet big girl adrianna what can you say she beauitful granny love all see you @ christmas