Saturday, January 9, 2010


We have been gone out of town for a little while. We had a great trip! It was so very long but well worth it. We went from GA to TN to MI back to TN then finally back home to GA. I drove about 3000 miles within 2 weeks with 3 children and I'm happy that I did. I realized while I was gone that I really miss home. I live in GA but it doesn't feel like home to me. We're up for a move in about 8 months (OMG that's not long)! And I really want to get closer to all of our family. There's a job in Indiana that I think would be awesome, but as always with the Navy it's not our choice and we have to go where they send us. I have a great group of friends here in GA that are here for me and the kids and I love that. But being on the boat has brought about a different issue with friendships and I'm just ready to move on.
So 2010 has already been filled with disappointment and change but I'm sure it will get better. I should get Chris home at some point, but as of right now I have no idea when that will be. He will leave again for another really long deployment, we'll get orders to somewhere great, hopefully, and we'll have a move later in the year. I have so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to. So here's to a New Year!


Vaiva said...

I hope you get to move where you want to.

Buster and Mary said...

Keep your chin up. You are a great mom. I wish we were closer so Pa & Nana could help with kids some. Everyone needs a helping hand when you have your hands so full. We look forward to coming down to help you get ready for your move. We love all of you.