Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The picture man

Kenneth is my little photographer. I really need to get him his own camera to use because he really does love taking pictures. He is always begging me to use my camera and most times I let him, but I'm really afraid he will drop it and break it. He just loves doing it so much that I really feel like it is something I should let him do and not discourage him. Sometimes he gets some pretty funny things. It is funny to see what he thinks is important enough to take a picture of. I have learned that I better watch out or I might become one of his subjects. haha Check out his most recent photos.


ronee said...

I think Tyra was six when we got her a camera..and then traysea turned seven and she got her a camera. It is amazing to see what pics they take..yea..i had to set up some strict guidelines of where you could take pictures and of what.
the craziness

Vaiva said...

That's cool. I love seeing the world through kids eyes. I especially love the pic of him walking and all you cans ee is his foot. Cute!!