Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oh the things they say

My darling little boy is so sweet sometimes and others he is definitely not so sweet. I don't know how many times in a day I have to tell him to not throw things. I know it has to be at least 10. He never seems to listen. Well I know he hears me when I say it though.
Today as I was sweeping the kitchen floor I was tossing all of the toys into the living room. He came in just as a little whistle flew into the room. In his sweetest, I'm the boss, voice he says,
"Mommy, we don't throw things in the house. You should go to time out."
so I say, "oh, really?"
he says, while shaking his head, " uh huh, you have three minutes."

I could have just died. I love my little man so much. He drives me to insanity and back most days, but he sure does make me laugh. I just thought I would share. I hope everyone else's day is going as well as mine is today.


Vaiva said...

So how did you get out of being in time out? Or did you have to sit there for 3 min? Too funny!

Misty said...

Hmmm I'm thinking 24 minutes and could I have a time out also? Well, really I'd like to be sent to my room for 28 minutes. ;)

ronee said...

OH I would get 32 minutes..PLEASE can I have one!