Tuesday, October 7, 2008

...like they do on the Discovery channel...

So Kenneth needed some frogs for his school today. I, being the helpful involved parent that I am, volunteered to help bring some in. After much fussing, cussing, and looking I managed to find 2 Southern Toads, just the normal bumpy toad you see everywhere. I put them in a jar that I am sure isn't quite big enough, but hey that's all I had. Now these frogs are having their fun after being put into such close quarters. :) My poor Kenneth was so worried about them because "the other one won't get off of it". He kept coming to tell me that one of the frogs was climbing on top of the other one. I just figured that it was an accidental thing while they were trying to find a way out. But oh no, these frogs want to give my little boy a life lesson. Not today little toads...not for awhile. The frogs are now doing their thing put away on a high counter so little eyes can't see.

Its strange to post it, but here they are: