Saturday, February 28, 2009

I got chosen! Thanks Sheila for the award. I guess I can't stalk your blog in secret anymore. Surprise, I read it!

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find friends and be friends. they are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hi, My name is Sunshine, and I am a blog addict.

I am constantly browsing some blog or another and one inevitably leads to another. Well I came across one of the funniest ones yet. Check it out, and prepare to laugh and sometimes cringe.

Monday, February 23, 2009

What have we been up to? You wanna know?

flower planting

zoo going (aren't they cute?)
giraffes with their tongues out

cute kids
awesome buys
half naked boys

monkeys for kids

choo choo tunnels

cheesy grins

pretty girls

happy family

bestest friends

lots of beads

funny cars

smiling boy

yummy granola and fruit (i just had to share)

painting fun

paint in hair

socks on arms


Wow what fun!!!

We try to keep busy while Chris is away, and let me tell you we have been doing that for sure! The Mardi Gras Parade was on Saturday and the kids had a blast. We went to the zoo on Sunday. We've had dinners with friends at their houses and at mine. We are having a ball, but I wish Chris was here to enjoy it too.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Facebook survey about Chris

  1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? football, basketball, tennis...heck any sport pretty much.
  2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Honey Mustard
  3. What's one food he doesn't like? green beans is just about it. He eats most everything.
  4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order? beer just about any kind
  5. Where did he go to high school? Marcellus High School in Marcellus Michigan
  6. What size shoe does he wear? 10 to 10 1/2
  7. There isn't a 7 huh? Strange.
  8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Meatball sub I think
  9. What would this person eat every day if he could? banana shakes (is that a food?) or chips
  10. What is his favorite cereal? he's not really picky, but he really likes the ones that are marketed toward kids. :o)
  11. What would he never wear? he's not fond of pink
  12. What is his favorite sports team? Titans
  13. Who did he vote for? he didn't get to vote this year, but he wanted to vote for McCain
  14. Who is his best friend? definitely me
  15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? I don't talk about what's bothering me.
  16. What is his heritage? I heard German at some point, but really I dunno. American fits.
  17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? He is really a pie kind of guy, but if he had to choose a cake it would be anything with a whipped topping.
  18. Did he play sports in high school? Yes, just about all of them I think. But soccer seemed to be his favorite.
  19. What could he spend hours doing? watching TV and playing video games
  20. What is one unique talent he has? He is sooo handy. If something is broken, he knows what it could be. And he usually knows how to fix it.

Vent & random nonsense

Sometimes things about this Navy life really irritate me. I have sick kids. Shouldn't it be an easy thing to just take them to the doctor and get it figured out. Yeah not around here it isn't. For us to get into the doctor I have to be up at the butt crack of dawn to call the appointment line and hope and pray (and do a hail mary according to the guy this morning) in order to get a sick appointment. Well holy crow, I actually got one today! I was so surprised. Oh, I only got one because it was with the duty doc so once I got there I had to wait 45min to be seen. How frustrating! Lilly and Kenneth are little tornadoes running all over the clinic and spilling raisins in the floor. The nurses kept giving me dirty looks, and the check in lady was a huge BIOTCH! It's not my fault that my kids lose their sanity after sitting for that long. Don't friggin tell me to get there 20min before my appointment only to be then made to wait longer!!! Oy, I'm mad about this stupid doctor business. Come to find out Lilly still has the sinus infection from over a week ago, and now she also has a double ear infection to go along with it. If that had given me a strong enough antibiotic last time I wouldn't have had to go back huh?!
I also really hate that I am so far away from family. I really want to be able to hop in the car and make a quick drive to see family. I really really miss all my family and we just don't get to make that huge trip often enough. I feel like I don't really know what goes on in everyone else's lives. I just feel out of the loop. Phone calls don't seem to cut it either. I need to go and see everyone and harrass them face-to-face.
On the bright side though I did finally get an email from Chris today!! Just that one short, very short, email brightened up my day. He told me he won a PSP in a raffle. How exciting for him. He seems like he is having a pretty good time. I can't wait to have him home.
Adrianna has her first ever campout tonight. It is with her girl scouts troop. And of course tonight it is supposed to get down to 27! My poor baby girl is gonna freeze her booty off. She won't budge about not going. She really wants to earn her patches. I will update soon to let you all know how it went. Keep your fingers crossed for her.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am up way later than I should be and I happened upon this video on Youtube. Right in the very beginning when they say dive dive you can see Chris right in the middle. Also towards the end he is there again! I am totally surprised to see this and I think it's really cool.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

And Happy Birthday to my honey! I hope he knows how much I love him and wish that I was able to celebrate his birthday with him. Today he turns 29! We've been together for 6 birthdays and Valentine's Days. I hope for atleast 80 more!

And even though it is his birthday and even though he is gone. He still remembered to set up some flowers to be delivered for me for Valentine's Day, and he kept them a secret. (that's the craziest part). I think he loves me too!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

From left: Ingrid, Abby, Maurika with Becky, Carrie with Maggie, Des, and myself. We had a really good time and I am so glad that I have such a great group of wardroom wives.
The kids were watching "the funny show", or America's funniest home videos to everyone else. They all just hung out and laughed their little butts off.

We went to the zoo a couple of days ago and Lilly just kept hugging the goats. She is so funny somtimes.

He hates it when I do this. I always do this to him. I take all kinds of pictures of him when he isn't looking. We were on our way to our party the other night. I just wanted to do it to show him off a bit. hehe

This was the beautiful sunset on the way to Jekyll Island. It was so beautiful!

I don't have any pictures from from the party with my camera. I left it in the car by accident, and we had to park about a billion miles away so I wasn't going to walk in my uncomfy shoes in the cold. I'm a whiner! We did pay for a picture with their photographer and it should be back soon and I will post it. I promise!

Wow, what a day it has been today. I just have to say that I am extremely proud of myself for getting everything accomplished without freaking out once! Yay me! haha
So the day that Chris left while I was driving to Target a big truck drove by me and blew some rocks into my windshield. It never fails that something happens within 2 days of Chris leaving, and this is no exception. The rocks chipped my windshield in 2 places. I was so mad. But today I managed to find a place here in town that does repairs just for the chips. So as soon as I dropped Kenneth off at school I went to the glass place and had that done. Thing 1 done for the day...check.
Then I went to get the base stickers for the new car since we just got the plate switched over. Lilly was a pain in the butt at Pass and ID but it got done, and I got them put on the car along with the new license plate. Check, check and check.
I was headed to WalMart to get some pictures when I got a phone call from Misty. The school nurse at Adrianna's school was trying to reach me and they didn't have my cell number, but they had Misty's(hmm...wierd huh). So I call the school with visions of broken bones or vomit running through my head. The nurse informs me that Adrianna had decided to put a glob of dried up glitter glue into her ear and then proceeded to push it so far in her ear canal that it couldn't be reached with regular tweezers!! Huh?!?! She did what? I was laughing so hard when the nurse told me. She must have thought I was nuts. Anyhoo, I went and got her from school. Our base clinic informed me that they didn't know what to do about this and told me to take her to the ER.
I went and got Kenneth from school, picked up lunch, and rushed home to watch a friend's daughter while she went to the dr. I made lots of phone calls and baked 3 dozen cookies while she was gone.
After Elicia got back I took Adrianna to the ER and sat there for 2 1/2 hours for them to use a little scooper like thingy with a light on the end (i'm sure thats the medical term for it) and scoop this ball of gunk out of her ear. The doctor was telling her that he was going to have to blow air into her nose while he plugged the other ear and the ball would come flying out. She looked really concerned. It was a simple procedure that should have been handled at our clinic, but of course not.
Then we were off to a fun get together at our new WEPS house. We had pizza and yummy desserts and lots of chaotic fun.
Whew! I'm beat! It's been a long day and I know that I will be calling it quits in about umm...2 min. So goodnight! I hope tomorrow is alot slower!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A little catch up

We have been quite busy here around The Smith house.
Last week mid week we got the news that Chris would be leaving on another boat for awhile. Surprise!! Damn Navy! Oh well Chris had some things to get done, and what better time than now. He gets to go out with some good friends so that is good too. So he's gone now, and we are here. We plan on keeping plenty busy with friends and different events and holidays.
Friday was our boat holiday party. I guess it was kind of a Valentine's party. It was a great excuse to get to buy a new dress and get my hair cut and go out with my hubby. We had a great time. We are so fortunate to have a handful of great friends here who helped us out with keeping the kids, and we were able to stay the night at the hotel where our party was held. Thanks so much Misty, Abby, and Elicia. You guys are great! It was my first time being away from Lilly over night and I think I did surprisingly well. Umm err I mean she did surprisingly well. Haha. I'm glad we did it and I would love to have the opportunity to do it again.
I don't have any pictures right now. I've been slacking in the picture department, but I will get some soon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not to worry though. I'm sure it will be 70 or 80 by the weekend. That's just how we roll around here it seems. :o)