Friday, February 20, 2009

Vent & random nonsense

Sometimes things about this Navy life really irritate me. I have sick kids. Shouldn't it be an easy thing to just take them to the doctor and get it figured out. Yeah not around here it isn't. For us to get into the doctor I have to be up at the butt crack of dawn to call the appointment line and hope and pray (and do a hail mary according to the guy this morning) in order to get a sick appointment. Well holy crow, I actually got one today! I was so surprised. Oh, I only got one because it was with the duty doc so once I got there I had to wait 45min to be seen. How frustrating! Lilly and Kenneth are little tornadoes running all over the clinic and spilling raisins in the floor. The nurses kept giving me dirty looks, and the check in lady was a huge BIOTCH! It's not my fault that my kids lose their sanity after sitting for that long. Don't friggin tell me to get there 20min before my appointment only to be then made to wait longer!!! Oy, I'm mad about this stupid doctor business. Come to find out Lilly still has the sinus infection from over a week ago, and now she also has a double ear infection to go along with it. If that had given me a strong enough antibiotic last time I wouldn't have had to go back huh?!
I also really hate that I am so far away from family. I really want to be able to hop in the car and make a quick drive to see family. I really really miss all my family and we just don't get to make that huge trip often enough. I feel like I don't really know what goes on in everyone else's lives. I just feel out of the loop. Phone calls don't seem to cut it either. I need to go and see everyone and harrass them face-to-face.
On the bright side though I did finally get an email from Chris today!! Just that one short, very short, email brightened up my day. He told me he won a PSP in a raffle. How exciting for him. He seems like he is having a pretty good time. I can't wait to have him home.
Adrianna has her first ever campout tonight. It is with her girl scouts troop. And of course tonight it is supposed to get down to 27! My poor baby girl is gonna freeze her booty off. She won't budge about not going. She really wants to earn her patches. I will update soon to let you all know how it went. Keep your fingers crossed for her.


Vaiva said...

Sorry to hear about your babies being sick. I hate that you have to come in 20min early with little kids. Do they seriously expect them to behave and sit on their butts for that long?

I hear you about family. I get to see mine about once every three years. Sucks, but what you gonna do?

The Miller Family said...

Poor Lilly! I hear you on the medical situation! I tried to get Morgan into urgent care in Chs yesterday, but couldn't get a referal because it was a Saturday. Well duh!