Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm leaving...on a jet plane. :)

Haha okay cheesy I know. But tomorrow morning at the butt crack of dawn we have to be at the airport for our trip to Chicago. I am so very excited. I have been packing and trying to get all of the last minute things together for us to go away. It is getting increasingly more difficult for me to pack for everyone and remember everything. I wonder what I will have forgotten (and not realized until we get there.)
Oh yeah I needed to do a little grouching, at myself and the stupid airlines. First, somehow I managed to book a different return flight than Misty. How did I do it? I don't really know myself. I just think that I am a doofus so it's pretty expected. Hehe. And second, the stupid airlines are getting more and more stupid. So starting sometime in August, all of the airlines will now charge to check baggage! Are you freaking kidding me?! It is anywhere between $15 and $30 per bag to check it. And then on top of that you can't have any (or not enough to count) liquids in your carry-ons. Arghh! Its so frustrating that there is nothing we can do other than just pay it. I feel the same way about gas prices, but that is vent all of its own and I will spare you all that major temper tantrum. At least for now.
Anyway, I will not be back until June 30th. So updates will come then.