- I am NOT happy with the results of the election! I am not opposed to Obama's proposed policies. I am opposed to him as our president because I think he was elected for the wrong reasons. I know this is going to sound horribly racist and I am sorry, but I believe he was elected because he is black. He got a ton of coverage because this is a "historic" time...blah blah blah. How is that not racist? I really hope that we as Americans made the right choice. I don't believe he has the experience to lead our country. Okay off my soap box and on with the randoms. :)
- I hate folding socks! I always end up with one or two socks without a match and then they go to the "sock pile". The pile is just a bunch of socks I put there and forget about until I am tired of looking at them so I throw them out about once a month. There is no telling how many pairs I have thrown out that way. Oops.
- Lilly is a hitter. All day long I hear Kenneth yelling at her for smacking him. She will randomly walk up to him and give him a good whack in the head before going about her merry way. I don't know what to do about it, because honestly, I think it is funny. He has never been super nice to her so I think he is getting what he had coming.
- I miss fall weather in Tennessee. I love so much being able to see the leaves change colors and fall off. It always feels like fall when you can rake all the leaves into a huge pile and dive into them. I want my kids to be able to have that fun like I did. Here in Georgia it is just too darn hot. It will be hot and then just one day it turns cold and all the leaves go straight to brown, not nearly as pretty.
- I am horrible with keeping a personal schedule. I am all about scheduling things for the kids, but when it comes to me I am not so good. I will have things planned but then at the last minute I completely forget. I try to keep a calendar, but I have to actually REMEMBER to write things on it. I get times and events mixed up all the time. I just did this with a visit from my dad that is planned. I was totally ready to have them here this weekend, but oops, I screwed it up again. They won't be here until the weekend after. That just gives me a little more time to get things caught up around the house.
- Since I am talking schedules, I hate not being able to schedule something very far in advance because of Chris's schedule. It is so very hard. I have things I want to do but I never know if it will be possible.
- I love babies! I hate that my "babies" are now not quite babies anymore. I love the smell of them, the squishyness (is that even a word?), and I even love their cry. I am seriously having a hard time with my Lilly getting to be big.
- I am in serious need of a girl's night! Girls lets plan one for very soon. There is a place I want to try called Chocolate Soup. Sounds fun huh?
Well thanks for sticking with me through all these random squirts of brain power. The brain is going back to sleep now that it has spewed all it's nonsense.
Sign me up.... pick a day... I have a couple of sitters if people need to borrow :)
Chocolate Soup? Can I come? Oh, I wish I was there.
I love your randoms. I don't have much of my own. I am too scheduled, haha, total opposite. My calendar is always full and don't you dare change things on it. Funny though, how I'm ok when Josh's schedule changes. I guess since it's out of my control it's ok :)
Ok, I need to stop, cause I'm about to start blogging here (<-- uuhhh, I said the 'b' word)
Isn't Motherhood grand. Enjoy all these little moments before you know it they will be all grown up, married and have children of their own. Then you get to do it again with grandchildren. What a joy.
Where did you disappear, Missy? Just checking in :)
remember I told you this day would come you are such a good mom and I am so proud of you!!!!!!love you always mom
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