Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I have hit a rough patch with this blog. I have been moping a bit about not seeing Chris so I haven't wanted to update the blog. We have been just about as busy as always. We have gone bowling, and had dinners with friends. Kenneth has started soccer and is coming up on his first game already. Lilly is as sweet as always and growing so fast. Adrianna had a girl scout's campout over the whole weekend this past weekend. She had a blast.
The weather has been a bit cooler so we haven't been back to the beach but I hope to soon. We have been spending alot of time out though.
My poor Chris has had almost NO time off. He finally got one full day. He had off last Saturday and that is the only day in 2 weeks since he has been home. I hope for a weekend soon. His hours have been miserable. If he doesn't have duty, and happens to get home before the kids go to bed then its a miracle. If he manages to not fall asleep before the kids go to bed then it's almost an act of God. He is just so over worked and beat right now. I hate it for him.
I do have a few pictures to post and I will get to that soon. Today is another duty day so maybe I'll have time later.


Melis said...

Hey Sunshine - hang in there! I remember those months for Justin on our stupid boat and I know they're ahead again... it's the worst! I sometimes feel like deployments are easier than the stress and constant let-down of hard refit days, as awful as that sounds... It'll lighten up - it always does! Hang in there and look forward to brighter days ahead - you'll appreciate them so much more!

Misty said...

It will get better soon! For the lack of a better word, refit SUCKS! How was soccer last night?

rachel said...

sorry to hear that you have not seen your husband even though he is home. Hope things get better for both of you soon.

Mackenzie said...

I'm sorry you aren't seeing your husband that much, even though they are here. I hope his schedule gets better soon!