Lilly has been showing an interest in feeding herself lately. I thought I would just dive right in and let her try it. Well it looks as if she was the one to dive right in. She really loves her yogurt. She loves eating it, playing in it, and wearing it.
Lilly has been picking up more and more words lately. They aren't all very clear but I think I know when she is saying somethings. We have also been working on some baby signs. I think its so neat that someone as little as Lilly can sign to me when she is all done eating. She can also sign more and thank you. She doesn't seem to know exactly when to use them all but she is getting alot better with it. I really started learning the sings for Lilly, but Kenneth and Adrianna enjoy it just as much. They have really picked them up quickly. Kenneth loves to sign good boy or girl. Its so very cute.
We have had a very busy past week. My mom was here helping me out for awhile, but now she is gone. We are all slowly getting back into our normal rhythm. School starts in just about 3 weeks. I am surprised that I am ready for Adrianna to already go back to school. She needs that time as much as I do. She seems to get really bored and lazy when she is home. All she wants to do is watch TV. And if you know me then you know that I am not okay with TV all day. I will force her to go outside and play and she gets so mad at me. I know it is hot, but she needs to get some exercise for other parts of her body than her hand that controls the remote and her mouth which never stops running. :)
The things that I do when she is in school have pretty much stopped. I don't make it to the gym every morning anymore, and boy can I feel it. Ick! I also have been staying up later and sleeping in later. So that means I am not making it for coffee in the mornings either. Tumbling is difficult with her too. She is much too old to be in the baby class. Kenneth and Lilly really like it though. I will have to figure out some way to work it out. She will just have to be careful to not run over any babies I guess.
I have the fever. The baby kitten fever that is. Elicia brought one home for another of our friends and I have just fallen in love with that little guy. He is just so cute. Elicia brought him over so I could see how my cat reacts to him tonight. Yeah, that didn't go so well. My cat really seemed to HATE him. I have never heard those kinds of noises coming from my sweet sweet kitty. So I guess no kitty is in our near future.
Oh my goodness Lilly! You are too cute, and made me laugh with your yogurt! I didnt know you could say all done, so cute! :)
That video was so funny. Alyssa did the exact same thing (trying to drink her yogurt) last week. A spoon just was not acceptable for her.
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