Friday, January 23, 2009

Dear Husband,
You know I love you, but you letting the alarm go off for an hour before you were ready to be up is absurd! Said alarm then woke up our 3 children to come and keep me company for an hour and half before school. Next time the alarm goes off for more than 20 minutes you may just find it's broken pieces out in our yard along with your pillow!
Your always loving, but extremely tired wife


Shelly said...

Ha! I love it! Thanks for the laugh, but sorry you're so tired!!! Have a good day!

ronee said...

OH i SO have that husband..I have reminded him that he would not enjoy it if I got up and turned off alarm because his alarm clock would be lodged in a place I will not disclose!

The Miller Family said...

I love that you posted this on your blog! So funny!