Monday, May 5, 2008


Today was a very boring day. I didn't do hardly anything outside of the house. I guess I've kind of let the house go a bit, so today I worked on getting it all back in order. I've going stir crazy though now, and I want to get out. Arghh. Its too late to go anywhere. Oh well that just means tomorrow I probably won't be home at all. :) The kids just hung out and "helped" me clean up. They are ever so helpful. Adrianna has been a total grouch today. I'm not sure exactly what happened to put her in such a bad mood, but she came home like that. Everything that was said she had a smart remark for. She also kept telling me No about things I asked her to do. We were out and I asked her to do something. She told me No and so I grabbed her arm and "helped" her inside. I didn't have her hard or anything, but the whole way inside she was screaming "you're going to kill me." I swear my neighbors thought she was getting beaten. I took her in and came right back out so no one would think I was in there beating her. :) Anyway. I hope tomorrow is better.

Kenneth loves to sing The Itsy Bitsy Spider and Lilly loves it when he does. She has started putting her hands up like she is trying to do it. Then at the end she always claps. She is just too cute. Sorry the video is so dark. I didn't realize how bad it was until I had it here.