Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm a slacker...I know!

So its been a very busy week and I have totally slacked on my posting. So here I am up late waiting for Chris to get home from work trying to get a bit caught up.

Kenneth got over whatever sickness he had. It was very strange. It was gone just about as quick as it started. He started getting sick on Saturday night and continued to get sick all day Sunday. Then at around 6pm on Sunday he decided he was hungry finally and he didn't get sick after that. I was kind of worried about the others catching it, but so far (knock on wood) no one has showed any signs of being sick.

We went to the store on Saturday before Kenneth was sick and I found a camera I liked. We were at Best Buy and I remembered that I had a coupon for 10% off so I decided to wait to buy it. Once I got home and checked my coupon I discovered it was expired! Blah! I was so frustrated. Now I have to make another trip back down there and waste the like billion dollars in gas to go and buy it. Chris says that can be my Mother's Day present since he won't be here to give it to me. We had planned on going back to buy it sometime this week, but there just hasn't been time. He has been working so late here lately. It sucks! But atleast he is home with us at night. Maybe eventually I will get my camera. Chris says for me to go and buy it while he is away, but I just have a hard time spending that kind of money. I would rather he spend it. :)

The weather has been so nice here the last few days. It is just beautiful and so warm. I think we have gotten to right around 80 everyday. We spend alot of time in the evenings just hanging out in the back yard. The kids love it out there.

Chris gets his next promotion soon. On May 6th he will be Lt. JG. I am so proud of my honey for everything that he has done.

Kenneth being Mr. Handy.

Lilly loves to help mommy do the dishes.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Don't you just hate it when...

Don't you just hate it when you have a sick child and the whole day goes to crap? I know I do. Kenneth is so sick. The poor guy was getting sick all night last night and all day today. So much for our fun plans to go to the beach on Chris' day off. I hope he gets feeling better soon, and here's to hoping no one else catches whatever he has.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I love date nights

Last night Chris and I got to go on a date. It was wonderful. It is so nice to be able to go out with other adults without the children occasionally. I love my children so very much, and I wouldn't trade a day that I have with them for anything in the world. But it is so very nice to not have them sometimes. We met some friends for dinner and then went to a movie. Nothing fancy, but I had such a good time. With Chris being gone all the time these nights are becoming more and more rare. As the kids get older I want us to be able to do it more.
We went and saw Baby Mama. I loved it. I thought it was very funny and it had a cute sappy little story. Which is so me. :)
Chris has a regular work day again today, so that stinks, but hopefully he will be home at a decent hour and we can do something fun. I am hoping to go to the beach tomorrow if the weather is nice. I will post some more photos soon.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

He's home!

Chris has come home again. Its not for too long, again. But we get to see him none the less! We are so relieved to have him with us for however long or short of a time. The kids didn't know that he was coming so Kenneth was so surprised when Daddy walked through the front door. And when Adrianna got home from school, she as well was very surprised. Last night Daddy was bouncing everyone on the trampoline outside. The kids were having so much fun then didn't want to come in. They have really missed him alot, as have I.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First pool day of the year!

The kids have been bugging me for weeks to get out the pools, but it has just been too cool so I put it off. But its been in or around the 80's for about a week now so I thought we could get the baby pool out to see how it goes. Lilly really enjoyed herself. I was actually going to put them in swimsuits but Lilly just couldn't wait. She climbed right in and just sat down. Clothes and all. Please pardon Kenneth's underwear. After his shorts got wet he didn't want them on anymore. I can't wait until we can get to the pools in town this summer. Its going to be so hot that we will have to do something/anything not to just melt.

And then this evening the weather was so nice that after supper we just went and played out back for awhile. We don't have a lot to do, but I got some new sand for the sandbox. Lilly is really getting into playing outside. If the other kids go out and she has to stay in, then she throws a huge fit. My little tiny Lilly has a major temper. I wonder where she gets that from? It sure didn't come from me. It must come from the Smith side. :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Meanest mom ever

Sometimes I just feel like I am the meanest mom in the whole world. Tonight was one of those nights. Kenneth was taking his bath. He was super dirty. He had a tattoo on his hand of Spider-Man that he got from a friend. He has had the tattoo for about 4 days now so it wasn't a whole Spider-Man anymore. He was missing a head, arm, leg and about half of his torso. You couldn't tell what it was anymore. Anyway I washed him off. OMG! Kenneth just about died. He had a huge melt down in the tub about me washing him down the "draim" (thats what he calls the drain). The poor guy was searching in the tub for his spider-man, crying the whole time. I felt so bad. Why didn't I just leave the poor thing? Silly mommy for wanting a completly clean boy. I finally got him calmed down and out of the bath. He still wanted another tattoo, so I found some old ones we had. Now he has a big red and blue lizard on his forearm. He thinks he is so cool.

The phone keeps ringing

This is the way it is always with me. I am waiting for a specific phone call. I stick around the house for said phone call. The phone rings....I make a mad dash for the phone and its a telemarketer or a wrong number or anyone other than who I am waiting to call. Over and over and over this happens. Everytime! I am now waiting for a phone call and the phone has rang 4 times within an hour and it hasn't been who I was expecting. Yikes. My phone almost never rings until now.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Feeling better now.

I was in a pretty mad mood earlier. But the kids all rested and I got to just relax and read a book on the couch for awhile so I feel better now. I hate when I am in one of my moods like that, but oh well it can't be helped some time.

After rest time we got outside to play for awhile. We took a walk and just played in the yard. Now everyone is asleep and I am on my way in just a little while. I'm such a party animal, I know.
Lilly and I were just being silly, while waiting on Kenneth to wake up. I don't think we look alike at all. :(

Lilly's first popsicle ever!
The kids were playing outside the house before our walk. Adrianna was already out riding her bike.


I don't know what exactly is the matter with me today. We went to Target this morning and did a little shopping. I hate trying on clothes by the way. And then we went to Panera for lunch. What's to be grouchy about? I don't really know, but I am so grumpy today. I think it is just one of those days when I really need my husband here to help me out with the everday things in life. It is just frustrating sometimes when all I want to do is do a little shopping and grab lunch. Its never an easy task by myself. He needs to hurry up and come home so I can talk with him and have him give me a break. Spa Day! Hopefully I will feel better later.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Busy few days

Yesterday was the Submarine Ball. I wasn't able to go because Chris is still away and I didn't really want to go alone. So I opted to not spend the money and I stayed home. I kept some friends' kids. All in total there were 6 children and one me. I was totally out numbered. But I held my own and survived the night. Haha. It wasn't that bad all the kids were pretty good. One of the little girls is getting some teeth so she was pretty fussy, but that is understandable. I still really wish that I had been able to go. I have not yet made it to a Sub Ball. I have been to Navy birthday Balls but that is it. I was really looking forward to getting all "pretty" and being able to have a nice time with other adults. Oh well. There is always next year. As long as Chris isn't away again.
Alyssa is rubbing Lilly's back. So sweet!

The other 4 crazies. They are watching Alvin and the Chipmunks. Notice Carter is taking a picture of me with the cell phone. :)

Today there was some kind of kid event in Downtown St. Mary's that we went to. There were Fire Engines and Police cars for the kids to look at. There were also a few games and a couple of bouncy houses. The games weren't very well thought out and they were too difficult or just kind of silly, but oh well. It was free. Who cares? I think the biggest hit was going to the little playground right by the water were the kids played for quite awhile.

The truck was running so Kenneth was too scared to get near it.

Playing at the park.

Once we got home, everyone layed down for a nap, including mom. Almost as soon as nap time was over the power went out. It wasn't storming or even raining. I don't know exactly what happened but it took over 4 hours for the power to come back on. It was ridiculous. I was beginning to worry the food in the fridge would spoil.

Anyway. All is well and we are still here all in one piece, so I would say its been a successful few days.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Close call

Well Adrianna has had out our 3 boogie boards today playing with them with some friends. While they were running around and just dragging them behind, no big deal. They started to pull each other on them. Not so good. I told Adrianna that they needed to be put away before someone got hurt. After much grumbling and talking back they were put away. Then about 10 minutes later I hear the most awful screaming. I run to the front and here comes Adrianna holding her head and blood is EVERYWHERE. I was like OMG! My mind is just running through everthing that needs to be done. ER? Who to call? What about the kids? It was madness for a split second. I had to calm myself and then I got her inside and she is hysterical. I get her calmed down a bit and I'm cleaning her up to see how bad it really is. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as I first thought. She has a massive knot and a pretty good cut in 2 places but she is going to live. So how the story seems to go is: Adrianna is pulling 2 boys on another board that came from someone else's house. (since its only dangerous on ours I guess) So she is pulling them and the cord snaps and she goes flying. I don't know what exactly she hit but she got it good. So there was our fun for the day. Maybe next time she will listen to mom!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Today we got to go play at a really good friend's house. Thanks Misty! Misty has an awesome set up out back for the kids to play on. And that's what they did for a couple of hours. Lilly just LOVED the swing. There aren't any parks here in Kingsland that I have found with swings. It's the strangest thing I have ever seen. No swings anywhere. So when we have beautiful days like today then it is so wonderful to get outside to swing at Misty's.

Its totally unrelated to any of the other stuff, but I just had to post. We were out running some errands today before playtime and this is how the kids were in the back. Lilly completely out and Kenneth just looking as handsome as ever! He is getting cuter and cuter everyday. And meaner and meaner everyday too. :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My little craft project

So anyone who knows me knows that I am not the crafty type. But I have really been wanting to make some hair bows for Lilly. She is getting alot more hair, and I think that it is just so cute when a little girl has a giant bow in her hair. Here is how they are coming along so far. I don't think that they are quite right, but I'm getting there.

Lilly tried one out for me. Now if I can just get her to leave it in her hair for more than 2 minutes!

Monday, April 14, 2008


I have had my current camera for about 4 years now. I know it doesn't seem that long, but in camera lives I think that is ancient. I have known for awhile I needed one, but when I went to see Chris' boat come in I realized just how badly I needed one. Do you want to see what wonderful pictures of the sub I got?

Thats beautiful right? The stupid shutters on the front don't always open, and that day I didn't even realize until I had taken 5 like this. Ughh. So frustrating. So as soon as Chris gets home he is getting me a new camera. Or I am getting me a new camera and telling him it was from him. :) I did get a few good ones though. I am so proud of my hubby and his "other woman".

Busy day

Lilly has been walking pretty well for almost a month now. She has just here recently gotten extremely fast at it. So here is just a little video of my Lilly, speed demon. Some days she isn't so hard to keep up with, but others its almost impossible. Today is one of the days when it is almost impossible. If I take my eyes off of her for more than 2 seconds then she is gone and getting into something she isn't supposed to. She is really into pulling all the movies off of our movie rack. That just makes her day. And she just loves to pull everything out from under the cabinet in the kitchen. I have been putting off installing the child locks. Hoping that Chris would get home to help me. I'm not so good at measuring and then keeping everything steady and in the right position while I am trying to use the 20 lbs. drill. But I just can't put it off any longer. So tomorrow I have to do it.

Its amazing the amount of things that we military wives have to do on our own when our husbands are away. From home repairs, lawn work, and auto care to child discipline, potty training, and keeping a semi clean house. I just have to say that we are freaking amazing!

Today is Kelly's birthday. Happy Birthday Kelly! We went to lunch at a really good pizza place called Op's. Chris would really like it there so I have every intention of going again. There were a TON of people there. Everyone was laughing, talking, and having a really nice time. All the while there was a ton a yummy food coming out, and being put in front of us. Kenneth really enjoyed the ice cream. Here is a picture that Kelly took with her camera of Kenneth. Kenneth is in the background, and his buddy Noah is in the foreground. Mmmm... ice cream!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Random blah blah blah

So tonight I had over 3 sets of really good friends. It was nice to just get together and have some dinner. I made chicken alfredo and pasta with a marinara sauce. We also had yummy salad and crusty bread. I think it turned out pretty good. It gets pretty crazy in here with that many people around, but I really enjoy having friends over. I get pretty lonely with Chris gone so I don't know what I would do without my wonderful friends. You girls keep me laughing thats for sure.

On another note; I think I will call Kenneth completely potty trained now. I have been working on it for a really long time without it doing any good. And then all of a sudden while daddy was home for a very short visit Kenneth just got it. Since then he has been going all day with little or no accidents. He is even staying dry all night! Its amazing. I just love my little man so much.

Lilly is getting 2 teeth. I have been blaming any of her crabby days on teeth since she was about 5 months old. But now, seriously, she is getting her teeth. I have been keeping her on meds for the past few days because she has been running a fever, but she seems to be getting over it. Yay for teeth. Its only taken 10 months! Haha.

And since I am doing something about the other 2 I should share about Adrianna as well. She is her normal moody, grouchy, then lovey self. I love her so much, but sometimes she drives me nuts. Her bedtime is 8pm. Every school night that is when she is in bed. But tonight we were running a little behind so it was about 8:15 when she finally got in bed. Now at 9pm she has been out of bed 3 times, and I have had to get on to her 2 times for bouncing on the bed and singing really loudly. Crazy girl. She is going to be so tired tomorrow.
Now its mama's bedtime! Later.

Sleeping in.

Today is such a crappy rainy day. It would be wonderful to sleep in. Haha not here! No Way! On the days when we have NOTHING going on then the kids are up at 6am. I cannot get them to go back to sleep. Any other day they are fine to sleep until 7 or 7:30. It drives me totally insane. All I want is an uninterrupted night of sleep past 6am. That's a good project for when Chris gets home. I guess the whole family is having a nap today. Yay for naps!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

So now me too!

So now I am not the only one in the free world without a blog. I know, I know. Its been a long time coming. I'm insanely busy most days so we'll see how well I can keep up. And I am not tech smart, so lets see if I can even figure out how to do all of this stuff. If I can't figure it out then I'm coming to ask you M.