Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Today we got to go play at a really good friend's house. Thanks Misty! Misty has an awesome set up out back for the kids to play on. And that's what they did for a couple of hours. Lilly just LOVED the swing. There aren't any parks here in Kingsland that I have found with swings. It's the strangest thing I have ever seen. No swings anywhere. So when we have beautiful days like today then it is so wonderful to get outside to swing at Misty's.

Its totally unrelated to any of the other stuff, but I just had to post. We were out running some errands today before playtime and this is how the kids were in the back. Lilly completely out and Kenneth just looking as handsome as ever! He is getting cuter and cuter everyday. And meaner and meaner everyday too. :)