Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First pool day of the year!

The kids have been bugging me for weeks to get out the pools, but it has just been too cool so I put it off. But its been in or around the 80's for about a week now so I thought we could get the baby pool out to see how it goes. Lilly really enjoyed herself. I was actually going to put them in swimsuits but Lilly just couldn't wait. She climbed right in and just sat down. Clothes and all. Please pardon Kenneth's underwear. After his shorts got wet he didn't want them on anymore. I can't wait until we can get to the pools in town this summer. Its going to be so hot that we will have to do something/anything not to just melt.

And then this evening the weather was so nice that after supper we just went and played out back for awhile. We don't have a lot to do, but I got some new sand for the sandbox. Lilly is really getting into playing outside. If the other kids go out and she has to stay in, then she throws a huge fit. My little tiny Lilly has a major temper. I wonder where she gets that from? It sure didn't come from me. It must come from the Smith side. :)


Fire Dad said...

I can say with great certainty that tempers did NOT come from the Smith side.... maybe Lammott


ronee said...

horrible mommy..first you wash away his tattoo and they put pictures of him up with his underwear..oh crazy!!
just kidding! she's so big!!!